Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Skin Care Guide For Men

Teen age boys should be encouraged to take care of their skin, because during teenage years, acne can really become a problem. As boys turn into men, they shouldn't think that proper skin care should not be a part of their regular routine anymore, especially if they had history of acne when they were younger.

Acne can always recur, even as one matures, because it is the skin's response to dirt and grime that gets stuck inside the pores. When bacteria thrive on the skin and it reacts with sebum or the natural oil of the skin, acne develops.

If you want to maintain healthy skin, check your skin type first so that you can choose the right skin products for you. There are many products available and you can easily find out which ones are good for you, as long as you know your skin type.

If you had never had many problems with your skin in the past, you most likely have normal skin. Others who are more prone to acne and other skin irritations usually have oily skin, while others may have dry skin. There are also some who may have what is called combination skin, where there are some areas of the face that are oilier than the rest.

For healthier skin, it is important to keep your face clean, by washing it at least twice a day. The best time to do some regular face washing is one in the morning, after you wake up and at night, before you go to bed.

If you have very sensitive skin, use a mild soap and a toner that has no alcohol content. Finally, do not forget to put moisturizer on your skin.

If you are exposed to the sun for hours, make sure to use a moisturizer that has an added sunscreen in it.

Some men may think it is "unmanly" to use facial skin care products, but actually manliness has nothing to do with it. It should be part of one's daily hygiene practices, much like taking a shower or brushing your teeth are.

If you persist to have skin problems despite the regular cleaning, perhaps you are allergic to any of the products you are using. Consult a dermatologist to find out more about how you can take care of your facial skin properly.
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